Tuesday, May 29, 2007
a few things
2:21 pm

well since exams are soon people have stopped posting on their blogs, and maybe its just not exams either people have just abandoned them. but yeah a few things:

i hate everything about pharmaceutics at this point. how am i meant to know all these stupid equations!!!?!?!?1

no jamie i'm not going to be a sheep and follow all of you to work at burswood where: i dont have a say in my shift and get crap graveyard shifts where i have to put up with drunk people for money and a sore arm and stress from not trying to drop a tray of glasses. screw that.
like i said time over money.

yay shopping...i want to go shopping...

ahhh pharm chem is stupid. and that list is so LONG.

oh and its too cold atm. CURSE YOU COLD.

i still hate the host of ready steady cook

and i miss all my friends who i havent seen in months. YES. MONTHS. my life is dull.

omg miss japan won miss universe!! and poor miss usa tripped

i want soup...

ahaha sorry i missed you bryan.

i bitch too much therefore i am a bitch. i just want everyone to be miserable. how malevolent.

study time.

wasting your time at 2:21 pm

Sunday, May 13, 2007
happy mothers day
12:22 am

god bless all mothers out there. they always deserve more than they get. especially for putting up with bratty children. and other stuff.

in short form

happy birthday to jamie and jo for the 11th of may!!!

for jamie- like i told you before you will always be one of the greatest men in my life and dont you forget it. and even though i guess we barely see each other at uni with you and your models and me and my degree =/ sigh what ever happened to high school chattings til 4 in the morning?
BOO to how those days are over temporarily

which brings me to say that uni does indeed still suck
exams are nearing WHICH IS SO NOT GOOD. why is it going so fast WHY

oh and issoks hubie i'll be your bitch victim. i dont mind- let all your frustrations out on me =P anytime you want, i probably wont take it too seriously anyways




which means next time i see YOU kenny!!! our day shall consist of. CAMERA WHORING. if only you were here hubie ^_^ what fun we'd HAVE.

much love.

wasting your time at 12:22 am

change of pace .

about me .

Name: exodus.state

Birthday: 30th.Nov.1988

Currently:HATE UNI

i'm liking ...

the net
getting money
gorgeous friends
that 70s show and scrubs
my new phone
my BED
passing uni
my dvds
the BEACH.

loathing ...

smokers XD
evil bitch people
having no income
people that wake me up
stupid bogan girls that ask for money when they should stop having sex and start doing normal teenage things
guys that have nothing else better to do then make people miserable just because they will amount to NOTHING.
evil people on the roads who drive dangerous. and who DRINK DRIVE
prissy girls
petrol prices
junk food accessibility
getting the bottom of my jeans wet on a rainy day
how it can be so freaking cold sometimes

post its .