Wednesday, August 30, 2006
approaching a dreaded month
9:30 pm

of birthdays!

as i am on my break at the moment and getting poorer by the day due to MSU ball- i wonder how i am going to supply mass presents to mass birthday people in this month.

in the beginning:

4th dianas
5th allans
6th graces
7th bryans!

i think esther's is coming up too =O

happy 18th to you all!! may you embrace all your 18th privileges fully!

oh and here's my mask. take no note of the picture of it being taken on my crotch. ironically it was the best picture with the best light =) i need to return some things though cos i thought i needed paint. but i dont! so i wonder if i can....hm

thanks to elmo who cartered me around in his yellow hatchback honda today! i really really REALLY love craft shops.

they opened new stores in gc!!
moo-like il gelato but sells premium yoghurt, quite tasty and those you want an alternative
who wouldnt wanna try something with a cow as their logo

craft shop! wooo I LOVE CRAFT SHOPS

and many other shops have altered! like the lotto stand outside myers. also kmart have changed their whole outlay of the store

post out. =O

wasting your time at 9:30 pm

Sunday, August 27, 2006
happy birthday to felicity!
12:02 am

sigh another long day!
at least we curtin peeps get a week off!
well now going to the MSU ball- i need to find a dress maker =( someone! help!
had work when i wasnt meant to work and sheesh people eat way late =/
happy birthday to felcity! 18th- thanks for inviting me to your party~

i'm so sleepy.

kiss me- sixpence none the richer*

blessings from the past.

wasting your time at 12:02 am

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
at high heights
7:00 pm

he said yes.

congrats to samantha! who has been converted to the dark side of blogging.

he said yes.!

-blowing things out of proportion!

wasting your time at 7:00 pm

Saturday, August 19, 2006
def cuts
10:42 pm

its been a while

only got reminded of my blog cos elmo commented that i havent blogged in a while
so here goes

uni's back on. and it blows.
doing our own labels for lab is really confusing!=hard work!!
and more work every week and BAH it just....yeah
at least no hb lectures for the next three weeks which kinda is a good thing but we miss out on the reproductive system and damien hewitt does it!!! he's one of the best lecturers ever! so we might just tag along fo rthe fun of it.haha.
i should be studying for human bio or doing my labelling assgn~ but ....tmw ^_^

work has certainly gotten better- barely get scolded anymore and i get cakes and stuff sometimes ~

this weeks' been full of ups and downs.
i got my iriver e10!! its so pretty!!<3 but the software's a nightmare. i haaaaate it!! ARGH kept getting me angry!! and it still does!!!
but its permanently with me from the moment i wake up t o the moment i sleepeth.

went kareoking with cory and co- eric and chen and cory's uni friends which was really cool! should really form a boy band + one chick thing ^_^ haha cory thanks for paying for my bit, even though you were kinda forced to... but yay lovegety to remember that day?

i lost my lab coat. dnt ask me how, but i dont know where it is...my sister thinks some petty indo scab chick has it hahaha!! but yeah... i want it back =( now kevin= my SAVIOUR is giving me his spare one who has too short sleeves for him hahahaha. thanks kevin.

i booked my hb tests at the wrong week =( so that really depressed my on wednesday night when i found out, luckily one of the CAA team (dave!) yeah he deserves that exclamation mark was nice enough to fix it for me ^_^ WOO. he rocks. another down and high thing~

yeah... well i'm off to read my book. just thought i'd... you know....BYE.

oh and lastly!

though this week has been full of ups and downs the highs have kept me alive. even though they occurred due to my lows.i've lost something but in return i got something that belonged to someone who by now i guess. i truly am ..kinda...'obsessed' with. in a good way of course.i thought i was over it. but as uni resumed ...and as i saw him for the first time in a long time. as he smiled his smile...then... i'm one of those people whose most interested in the thing they show the least interest in. as he tricks me into turning around the wrong way with a tap of the shoulder. teasing me blatantly. asking why i'm dressed up. mentioning that i look nice. mentioning that he thought i didnt notice him... at that moment, if i was certain he felt the same way i would have with no restraint objected it such a comment with as much objection as one can muster at such a comment made o so wrongly.sitting on the bus separately but sitting together at uni. connected by melodies whilst trying to concentrate on words of wisdom in class. trying to learn less important tricks. sleight of hand. exchanging words over pathways of electricity, saying more words than in person. i hope he says yes, but we'll see. if not...i'm not getting my hopes up.

in the early hours of the morning. talking to a friend about such obsessions (including the general topic of gangsters) an important question was asked. why. why him? what's so great about him?....i could not give an exact reply. what's so great about him?...i'm not exactly sure...but its definitely something. there's something there. just beyond his smile. its so addictive.

>this is my territory
>my time for glory
>if you wanna be on top
>you gotta let go*...

wasting your time at 10:42 pm

change of pace .

about me .

Name: exodus.state

Birthday: 30th.Nov.1988

Currently:HATE UNI

i'm liking ...

the net
getting money
gorgeous friends
that 70s show and scrubs
my new phone
my BED
passing uni
my dvds
the BEACH.

loathing ...

smokers XD
evil bitch people
having no income
people that wake me up
stupid bogan girls that ask for money when they should stop having sex and start doing normal teenage things
guys that have nothing else better to do then make people miserable just because they will amount to NOTHING.
evil people on the roads who drive dangerous. and who DRINK DRIVE
prissy girls
petrol prices
junk food accessibility
getting the bottom of my jeans wet on a rainy day
how it can be so freaking cold sometimes

post its .