Sunday, October 29, 2006
peeking from under the kitchen tablecloth
11:08 pm
john mayer and pete murray = freaking leet pwnage sweetness
.yeah their performance was unbelievable.!
work was crap though. i broke stuff. why am i so clumsy. and dumb.
i gotta test tmw... sigh...
for my haircut- i want crazy sex hair!!! so like mass layers. and fringeness? sorry jamie- i look too lame with a long fringe.
-sitting in the corner crying while everyone else is having fun.
wasting your time at 11:08 pm
damn those pretty girls in their pretty dresses.
1:11 pm
just finishing off my counselling assignment atm
but wanna read more manga-
i had a point but now i forgot.... oh well
manga obsessed with atm is love celeb!
doesnt he look so cute. yes i know its just manga.

oh oh and mai otome's getting good too ^_^

haha leet meister costumes XD
okay anyways back to assgning. i got work soon too =/ laters
albino black sheep drum machine.
wasting your time at 1:11 pm
Saturday, October 28, 2006
did bad in my pharm test...
4:16 pm
oh well. T.T
i'm really not that upset =/ and i should be i guess?
yeah i really screwed up calculations so that brought my mark down really really lowwwwwness...
well at least the test yesterday wasnt so bad, it was such beach weather ^_^
now its a saturday afternoon and after going shopping with my mum and big sis
i'm watching bleach-catching up! 98 to 100
i need new flats, my fave white ones are wearing out =/
i got pains havent taken my panadol
have to finish my counselling
have to still dye my hair and cut it ... T.T
so sleepy...shall sleep soon.
song of the moment: yui rolling star
wasting your time at 4:16 pm
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
bah just SHUT UP.
7:49 pm
everyone keeps talking about the test!!!
just shut up!!!!
even the mention of one of the questions i feel depressed!!!
stop it!!
at one of these moments
you wish you had a real big hammer to hit people to shut them up.
masking tape
which you could wrap around and around
and around
and around and
their pie hole mouth.
at least until results come out
song of the moment! bob evans- nowhere without you.
wasting your time at 7:49 pm
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
25 to go.
4:28 pm
hmmm...more like 24.5 hrs since i kinda did...25 min yesterday whilst driving to get dindin~
but yes if you have not caught on. I PASSED XD
luckyyyy i guess considering i havent driven around kelmscott/armadale in my life =/ stupid hills
stupid rough roads
stupid 60 km/hr limit roads.
yeahh...all stupid...
but yeahhh barely passed on signalling- but my test instructor [STEVE aka good person] told me what i was doing slightly wrong =P he so nice wan.
but YEAH I PASSED! finally!!!
hmm....25 hours....if i can i'll fake half =/ i mean.. i'll drive the full 25! *shifty EYES*
well forgot to say
lol mock prac today was CRAP. stupid propranolol beta blocker....and stupid lotion!! sif!! oh well... time to study for assessment pharm test tmw 0_o panic mode. blah. where's my scientific calculator! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
-sweet sweet freedom.
wasting your time at 4:28 pm
Monday, October 23, 2006
10:29 am
i'm gonna fail my driving test
in like...1 HOUR HELP.
bah stupid licensing centre
stupid kelmscott T.T
okay and then i come home and go to uni T.T
i've retemplated but...hmmmm....i'll fix stuff up later.
wasting your time at 10:29 am
Sunday, October 22, 2006
1:19 am
its too hot to sleep.
luckily rain is on the way
gonna cool the whole place down
then sunny and low temps on monday and tuesday
hope the weather forecasters are right
in reading the
sometimes they are just so off.
eg. it shall rain today and be really cold so rug up- outcome: 28 degrees fine sunny and HOT.
it has happened vice versa too.
well me thinks its time to change my blog template
kinda getting bored with this one.
well...i should be studying for MASS TESTS/EXAMS. but...?
someone spark me into study mode.
-and as i step outside
a blow to the head
blood flows and the hail falls
why does the rain hurt so bad?
shield me from the cold
the wind
help me find the path home.
wasting your time at 1:19 am
Friday, October 20, 2006
10:02 am
dying under the workload.
and i cant even DO some of it cos it requires things that arent accessible at this point in time.
in the meantime
i wanna learn canto
but i dont see why i shouldnt learn chinese first
would be easier
help lah...
i wanna go to hongkong...
and spend all my money..
which i have none atm...
wasting your time at 10:02 am
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
6:29 pm
well my parents have come back!
and i have discovered a new site for mass azn music dl =)
mp3 crashed so study was not on the calendar on saturday- yes. it kept screwing up so had to reload
went to anita's birthday thing! and dimsum with my sister and mum which was very fufilling
forgotten how fun kareoking is sigh!
had to study for human bioooo
paid off today got 23/25 =) better than i expected! guessing this time helped
lab today was alright
but i'm so tired....dont know why
well back to mass dling azn music
oh oh oh and i saw the breakfast club at the library today!! AHH I LOVE THAT MOVIE. the first time i watched that was at like 2 in the morning and i HAD NO IDEA what movie it was. what it was about or even the title...its one of those movies that defines our generation.
have to borrow tt out! cos it comes with sixteen candles and i wanna see that... oh oh and jamieeee let me watch my sassy girl =( please
my earphones broke so had to be new ones =( first ones i bought were CRAP as so i just bought some other ones 0_O hahaha waste of money i know but bleh my brother can have them
exams are coming up! gonna dieeeeee.... jiu ming arrhhhh OTL
-bus rides.
wasting your time at 6:29 pm
Saturday, October 07, 2006
12:50 am
yes! another productive wednesday and we were stumble-ing on firefox
that's me and gene-elmo and keegs =P ben was just looking
and we found one of the best blogs ! its soo sick check it out in my links! cant believe how he did it
anyways its gonna be a crappy weekends
i got so much to do: homework that is
pharm bio presentation
chem mid semester
so that means
less sleep
help me.
after monday i'm gonna REEEEELAX. wait. make that tuesday. cos i sitll have to do my session 8 writeups and my chem tut questions. someone let me copy >=(
and i screwed my headphones! BAH need new ones T.T i guess all that knocking around didnt do anygood....koss! elmo help
wasting your time at 12:50 am
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
carpe diem! you looked hot in it!
10:57 pm
hahah guess where that line is from!
and this line might help:"youre a virgin that cant drive""..that was way harsh"
well yeah unis back! BAH
and my sickness still haunts me! i should take my meds =O crap yeah better do that now...
in any case i've still got the ICKY smell of wool ointments apf in my nose >< need coffee beans or somethin to drown it out! BAH
well at least i caught up in manga
but i got mass work to do
lucky pharm lectures start at 10 now =D
feeel like dancinggg!!
had spams 18th! to check out photos go on friendster search me up
well yeah i'm outtie.
wasting your time at 10:57 pm