Friday, March 31, 2006
i can only love you for one day
10:03 pm
wei arh.
another week has passed by quick. into wk 6.
human bio tuts finally start. but that means i dont end early on monday now. sigh
its hui's birthday party this sunday ^_^ yay dress up i guess, lets hope its not too cold
but hope you like your present huipea
woo jass cant wait to make muffins and cookies ^_^
too bad i cant go to jasmines and evys =( sorry jas sorry jas i really wanna =( but work calls ><
my money savings not going to well. got presents to buy and msu ticket.
which i still have to get from kez >< hope she still has some
i got tsubasa reservoir chronicle anime from alfred ^_^ gg
i cant find some of my tops =( i hate burning dvds. they take way too long.
i got a pimple on my nose =( its hell pissing me off. haaate it ><
i wanna eat i wanna go eat. and get my haircut again ^_^ but i cant =/
meeting aaron tmw ^_^ woo i need to pick up cookie mix ^_^
but hey.. its been a long week... and now i'm entering another state of depression
wasting your time at 10:03 pm
Sunday, March 26, 2006
bahahahahaha japanese signs *thumbs up*
7:13 pm

lol japan is so weird. hot communication *winkz*
well as you can see. i have added pics to my blog ^_^ yay. happy bday to hui and hubert AGAIN. i really hate aliquots but yeah mass homework age. at least my mum made glutinous rice. *thumbs up* well i thought that sea of stars pic was cute and asa's the best from shuffle! but seriously yeah japan is real weird. after reading outpost nine i'm way creeped out. but i still love japan. <3>
lol @ white cracker [everybody hates chris].
wasting your time at 7:13 pm
Saturday, March 25, 2006
sexlexia. its all beautiful baby. *HUG*
10:51 pm
lol i've been watching mass futurama BAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
gotta love bender [bite my shiny metal ass], stupid fry and suicide booths. only TWENTY FIVE CENTS. *thumbs up*
and gotta hate zap brannigan. ewwwwww *shudder* he's..just so wrong...
thanks elmo!! do i need to give em back 0_o oh well. tell me later. ooo and burn me the veronicas toooo. [when it all falls apart]
anyways. ^_^ today was good ^_^ really nice weather!! finally the hotness has seized up and has been replaced with cold. finally. but then... its COLD *shiver* need more layersssssss.
went shopping with caffy and spamantha today. we all bought the same tops *thumbs up* remember!! i shotgun that top for ASIA function! bwahahahaha. and i bought another pretty one. even though we were all meant to go shopping for hui *shakes fist* damn harbortown and its cheap cheap cheap cheap clothing. and hui give us some clues to what you want. cos we dont knwo what you want. i actually look okay in boob tubes ^_^ but that means i have to wear strapless bras and they just dont provide enough support. *coff* =)
apparently hui youre getting a vibrator. i wont say from who. or why. but eh. 0_o may the force be with you =)
but YAY my gosh. we have to wear red and black. you cant get any more azn than that!! UTOPIA AND RED AND BLACK. what theeeeeeee. me and cathy saw this HK carrying a BLUE TEDDY BEAR today. BAHAHAHAHA and then i said so. and laughed. and realised i said it too loud. then laughed at my sillyness. ^_^ thanks for the fun day shopping catpee and spammy. except for the consistent poking of my tummy.good seeing you ^_^ and good seeing wenni and kez too ^_^.cant believe you guys bought so much. ee i cant wait to dress up 0_o uni doesnt really require dressing up so YAY dress up ^_^ weeeee.
wow ken your last post was emoooo. *thumbs* [i empathise. yet shake my head in pity] and ivan- stop posting twice! it doesnt make up for the fact you havent posted on a regular basis.
happy birthday to two special people.
hui ma pea - happy 18th! everyone wants to wrap ben up and just give him to you. [ note to self: kidnap ben. at uni. *thumbs up* and put holes in the box.] but then. he's yours already. BAM-spice weasel. but yeah hopefully we find something ^_^ retro/vintagey? you'll have to wait. but youre such an amazing friend and always have been! and even now ^_^ you really remind me of summer [rachel bilson] nowadays. which is a good thing!! so keep it up =) hope your special man gets you something special. since he gets mass money. i'll think of more meaningful things to say. and put it in words later. and give them to you. in a song or something? HI HUBIBI even though you probably wont read this, happy 19th you black man. black woman basher stinge rich ass man. with a hot family etc etc etc... BAM. if i could get you a present. i'd get you. a BLACK WIFE. a hot black wife. to match your blackness. and your hot ness. and she can just steal your money and give it to me. =) LOVE YOU HEAPS. you know i do *thumbs up* have a great day and dont get too drunk. aaaaandddd spend a lot.
spin OUT.
yay chen- you better provide me protection!! and i can ride in the black merc! weeeeeee. and i shall forebber bribe you with bbt so you think i'm cool ^_^ well COOLER apparently. chen< fred ="(">work. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
i got my australian citizenship thing done. after mass stress the night before. rushing my lab. thanks for the pandan kway alfred. saved my life. getting my icky passport photos taken where you cant show teeth and have your eyebrows showing. then going to the school and having to wait cos the stupid receptionist wouldnt let me see my ex teacher to get my form signed. the school really sucks now. i'm glad i left it. i realised that when i was sitting there. wishing i wasnt there. i get to vote now. and apply for govt jobs. woo. meh but i'm not legally til the ceremony. lets hope i dont get a potplant a pen or a flag. i'd chuck em all away alfred ben and chou. but that was real rushed. and done on a rainy day =/
and alfred and david -STOP PATTING MY HEAD.
well... i've lost track of things... yay ribbon corwee ^_^ cant believe lincraft in the city closed down *thumbs DOWN* but no you cannot wear it around your bust. otherwise i'll pull it til you faint. or cant breathe. need more money. i wanna navy black jacket with a hood. if anyone sees one tell me ^_^
need to take more photos. and save up for phone.
dream a little dream on me.
wasting your time at 10:51 pm
Saturday, March 18, 2006
11:23 pm
heeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyy *point*
how's life...
i just realised today my work shoes have no grip. no wonder i keep sliding. wonder if i can get a stanley and mark in grip.
got paid today *thumbs up* so i gotta bit more money to spend on whatever.
well yeah today went shopping with people- clement ben hui cory
was quite enjoying
found really cool gundam shirts- terratag. too bad theyre guys shirts. the small's too big. =(
SEE damnit. guys DO get the coolest shirts. they were ex-ish though, 40ish buxx from 60 =/
saw how pretty the ipod video is. but still thinking is it worth it. 400. and it screws up.
and the headfones i wanna get. but SHEESH.
kinda now contemplating just getting a new phone. either the SE w800i or 900i if they even have that out yet!! its so pretty! swivel meeeeee. or the samsung d600. but can only get it on plan bleh. am i allowed to sign up a plan? i'm not 18 yet. so does that matter? thinking of switching to vodafone =/ go on a cap or something.
seems like all we did today was EAT. really most of the time we just spent in food places. maccas. takas. bbt at old shanghai. but it WAS fun. kudos to corwee who made several derrogatory remarks that were indeed.
classic. gg. gotz skills young padowan. but hopefully what we said hopefully doesnt go public.=/ but yeah we were being superficial giving people we know ratings from 0 to 10 based on looks and we DID get a few outliers. both good and bad. said some obvious ones [ mo, lucas, danny, keat- all hawt *coff*] and several " if i was a [blank] i'd sex him bad" were made. but hehe that WAS fun. thanks for the outing today guys.
then i got back home and wanted to sleep but nonetheless had work. was busy but not really busy. finished earlier than i expected, but yeah got eldest sister is moving back home. i think she had a fight with her bf....meh. man that means i cant close the door when i sleep now. ERGH. wth. but how annoying.. i like having the room to myself.
well enough banter.
less talk. mohawk.
wasting your time at 11:23 pm
divine intervention.
12:36 am
BAH. thanks to people. seems like the ipod video isnt such a great idea anymore. but it still is seX. but sigh!creative m: vision is hot too.but a bit more pricey then i'd like. 470 =/ i could get a new phone with that! SHEESh. meh i guess i'll decide when i have the money. anyone else wanna contribute to suggestions? man ben! iriver MASS EX. 750 bucks. SIF i could get a hell 1337 phone with that. even better save up a bit more and buy a comp. or contribute it to holiday trip.
meanwhile twas another long day and just realised how much homework i actually have. work was busy. really people dont have manners. how can you get food on the tablecloth like when its way way way WAY away from your plate. sheesh. but yeah seems like i've been on my feet the whole day.
least i'm going shopping with people tmw. yay shopping. even though i'm meant to be saving =).
OH WELL. i wanna purple shirt. will try score guys shirts in xsmall sizes.again i say, guys get the coolest shirts.
i'm trying to figure out how to add a music thing to my blog. but unlike ivan's annoying guitar music it'll actually be good music ^^ with a lil player thing. meh... somewhat help with html!!!!
woo commonwealth games has started. but i really find it pointless. considering australia is pwning everyones ass. but they've put up a mass plasma in the main cafe. its funny cos its always crowded by azns staring at the screen. rugby was on today. good stuff. then they switched the lawn bowls. WTH. stupid channel nine.
mm.. i just realised how weird i am. people really need to stop patting my head. or maybe i need to 1) grow taller 2) be less immature.... SIF. bahaha both seem impossible. because they PROBABLY ARE *coff*... but yeah i was getting on the bus and this bug flew right at me. probably a fly. but those who know me know how i react to bugs ( ie yelp and start frantically waving my hands in front of me or back away like its anthrax or some deadly virus in front of me). and somewhat i got a random girl to laugh at me. must think i'm weird. the other time was in epi and biostats lecture which was another COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. 2 variable 2 variable BLAHBLAHBLAH. he was talking about interquartile range and i did that o0ooooOOOOoo thing with my hands *wavey wavey*. another random chick laughed at me. GREAT.
MSU rivercruise. 13th april. same as ASIA. hopefully asia change it. really, does there need to be grudges! i wanna go both! buti guess msu rivercruise more cos i havent been on a rivercruise yet! and i'm meant to keep corwee company. dress up hawt. etc etc. but HEY ASIA is at UTOPIA. cant get any more asian than that!! BBT TO THE MAX.
sigh well.. need to meet people at 11ish. pharmacy common room sell redskins. =)
max temp. 36 degrees. hawt.
wasting your time at 12:36 am
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
purple shirts. long days.
9:55 pm
haiz.where'z youza atz.
another long day at uni. i really detest 8am starts. but FINALLY something i UNDERSTAND in pharm 100! sheesh. and kinda got aliquot calculations explained. but yeah omg alligations and things today i understood. gg.
happy birthday to jas yesterday! turning 18- march 14th.
happy birthday to peter fares today! turning 18-march 15th
happy birthday to tiara tmw? i think. turning 18.- march 16th
blessings to all of you march people so far. party hard. you wont get til later.
i got mass music! orange range w00tage to the MAX. but i STILL dont have the mp3 and have finally set my mind on getting a ipod video unless anyone wants to show me something better. but right now its the ipod video! *drool*
400 ^^ so i save 50 bucks XD and i've got half of it pretty much. so like another month then i'm SET. unless i buy it now and be broke =) but i think NOT. but yeah i really need one... half the time i'm thinking i really wanna listen to music right now.... DAMN.
note to self.
need to set up a tako pachi stall in the middle of the city/northbridge with clement so we pwnage and rake in the cash from azns and the like.
need to go shopping for a purple shirt.
see my korz on a more regular basis.
save up for ipod video0.
to whom ever you may think its to.
i miss you... your hugs. our talks that lead to sounds that dont actually form words. and much more. but youre so far away. even sometimes when youre standing right in front me. am i losing it? driving me crazy... hope i dont crash and burn. that i make it through for once unhurt. so when i'm smile its for real. =)
let me feel like i should be here
well... another long day tomorrow. meant to be boring and probably will be. hate PB 120.
-shanghai honey.
wasting your time at 9:55 pm
Friday, March 10, 2006
let's pray.
9:21 pm
oh yeah.
lets pray that bleach isnt officially licensed. =(
it'd mean less manga/anime sources.
please let the rumours be false.
and just when he's gonna verse his hollow self... ARGH when it was getting GOOD.
suxzorz to the MAXAGE.-
wasting your time at 9:21 pm
another long day...
8:56 pm
ni zai na li.
ahhh with my jay cd back i feel its a good start to the weekend.
i wasnt actually as tired as i'd thought i'd be.
sorry for calling you ivan ^_^ next time. i just wont call at all and try listlessly sleep.
but i couldve fallen asleep on the bus to uni. it was mass packed. lucky i'm small ^_^
that lecture was pretty interesting actually for physical chemistry, and we have confirmed that the guy does indeed, sweat on his tummy. hehehe.
did that stupid human bio test- 8/12 bahahaha. piece of crap took 8 min.
who spends 40 min on it really. its just a practice test. on the unit outline O_o
but i just realise... EVERYONE I HANG AT UNI WITH IS GUYS.
where'd all the girls go... sigh. but had another day just hanging with guys-ben keegan pharm people, willo people-alfred quinny jin eddy vincent,and a few others. mutual talking now happens with people in my tutorials which is quite weird.
but CRAP my lab today- i wrote the labels wrong so i got ZERO. and 70% T.T luckily it doesnt count ^_^ but yes i will learn from it. mixing that triturate of carmine was fun ^_^ using that glass pestle and mortar. kekeke i find it cool that everything you use is quite small.
and wearing the labcoat was fun ^_^ but yeah its kinda stupid how we have to chuck it away once we've finished.
i found out about the cool machine that gives you free coffee/hot choc in the morning. its a vending machine. so you cant argue that its free. go pharmacy building ^_^.
i ended up at lunch sitting with mass rossy people. just GUYS. then grace came ^_^ yay and bhaha you think that anthony and jordan are hot ^_^ bahahaha. and no youre the hottie ^_^ not me ^_^. bahah i wanna meet sg idol!! me me! and we have to go shopping remember!
i kinda wanna go to curtin idol... but i'd have to go on saturday.. i already spend 5 days at uni.. and no one'll probably go with me =(...
i can take out my fifth and sixth earrings now... but i'm scared its just gonna bleed uncontrollably. maybe another 2 weeks ^_^ ...
well its the weekend.. and i dont know what to do... got work.. but thats it?
i'm starting to hate myself again.
my sis gets to go to brisbane!! BUSINESS CLASS. all expenses paid. 2 and half grand. for a JOB INTERVIEW. what the. hell i'd go. no fair... hope she buys me something back ^_^
congrats to keegan for getting onto ASIA committee!
i think i shall go read parfait tic and ichigo 100% again...both make me sad and depressed.. but referring to people lately has made me feel like i wanna delve back into emoland...
starting to hate myself again.
the darkness is coming back.
wasting your time at 8:56 pm
Thursday, March 09, 2006
drifting minds...
8:19 pm
heeeeeyaaaaa.... where you at hottie.
i'm relative tired after FINALLY. a somewhat entertaining day. thanks for giving me my cds back ken. and helping me eat lunch. good ol' takas.
but SHEESH another hot day.
only had half an hour tute at uni and then i went home. O_o waste of time.=/
but met up with sam- i miss you toooooo ><
and ken and corwee-who was being quite the antichick today, hugging chen and all O_o my poor little brother -_-".
and chen!! who i've just founded out is selling his house. from his my space. O_o where will you live. does that mean youre going back to taiwan for GOOD. eeeeeeeeeee how come me not know. and you seem real sad on your my space =( [if youre reading this]. dont be sad!! =(
grrrrrrr, but i'm not that mean of a jieeee. i'm actually nice. and no i wont push you onto the road. saw this guy who's his friend who used to go to children's church WAY back in year 8ish. WHOA. freaky. but he still looks the same and dont think he remembers me but YEAH. he rich that one. owns a boat O_o. his own freaking boat. wth. its like hubie. cep not stingy.
we took some photo things today with the crappy machine at timezone ^_^ that was fun. cep the machine kept lagging and some of the shots ended up crap with us looking down or eyes retardedly closed. but taking those are funnnnn. too bad i dont have a scanner, i'll grab em off chen when he scans em! yay good lil brooother.
but sheesh heaps hot today! mass sweatage from everyone.
sigh... chen's my space has made me sad =( damit!! whyyyy!! and there's the SAD song on your my space 1000words =( the piano music's so sad....*sniff* youre so getting pushed then hugged the next time i see you! which will probably be... YEAH. too hot to hug today..
it's kinda reminded me of how people get really good at hiding their feelings... specially when they actually need to share! or need their friendss.... well if anyone wants to talk just give me a ring!! i'll accomodate =) i'm usually doing nothing anyways XD..
sammmm i have like no girl- friends at unii in pharmacy! not really =/ come do my course XD haha, you got assumed you were lost in your own class! bahaha at least that means youre not manly! yay meeting up this sunday ^_^ bake me my apple pie =( and no i cant stop using sif, gaming language has become the
oo and i heard keziah got in for MSU AND ASIA 1st year rep!! WHOA you goooooooo babe.
but i remember back in year 9 where she was so against being azn! she would shudder just at the thought of doing anything azn and JUST LOOK AT HER NOW. =) *winkz* congrats!!
well now i'm sleepy.. and i gotta 8 o clock CHEM lecture. the guy had wet patches on his shirt last time. we're still debating whether it was sweat or from the nitrogen he poured onto the balloon. but mild sleepiness is setting in...
wan an.
wasting your time at 8:19 pm
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
let the good times roll.
7:27 pm
weiiiii. where you at.
its still blistering hot. like the moment you get in the sun its like I'M BURNING I'M BURNING SOMEONE GET A FIRE EXTINGUISHER. really. its that hot.
but somehow in the midst of all the hotness my brother's MASS sick.
the virus he's got is just WAY WAY WAY virulent. it freaks spread. have to wear like a cloth mask. but suxzorz he had to spend his long weekend at home. HAH.
every wednesday its common free time so people MASS together.
i think next week the guilds holding free food stuff[ prob sausage sizzle]
today though i was just hanging mostly with alfred aka new pharmacy buddy from willo so i joined MASS willo group for lunch. and i mean mass. like 20ish people. what the. and i think. i THINK i was the only non willower. cep this other girl. but YEAH WHOAAAA. [i withstand jamie that that multicircle stencil is meant to draw circles. and not do what you think it does. it just shows how suss you are.]hell freaked me out. but just goes to show everyone from rossy really just went to UWA.
my chem 121 tutor suxzorz to the MAX. tutors are meant to help you. but all he does is confuse you even MORE. its outrageous really. like you ask him a question and he just doesnt answer it. even if he DOES use an example. it doesnt help at ALL. but why is it in the archictecture building of all buildings. that buildings damn confusing. and sif ben! making me climb down and up like 3 sets of stairs for no reason. what the hey.
its settling in that you REALLY dont need to go to some lectures. like the epi and biostats. all he does is read out the lecture slides. you might as well not waste your free common time.
but hey only one hour of uni tmw.
my ankle really hurts. i have NO idea why. i did nothing to it yet it pains. pains me like... pain.
i lost my specs yesterday. i somehow left at the cafeteria and didnt realise til i needed them in a lecture. so i ran to the bookmark cafe then to the lounge. but no. not there. luckily a random azn guy came up to me and was like: are you looking for a pair of specs? and i'm like OMG.O_o
i think he was sitting near us. but yeah thanked him and his two other friends and ran the cafeteria and had to wait in line to ask the lady. damnit and i didnt even buy anything.
but a neccesity now is a deck of cards.
watching guys play big 2 is definitely more entertaining then watching the huge plasma tv that shows nothing but BBC.
chen's wagging tmw. tsktsk. but we're off to take more sticker print things. HAH. they are addictive. and i'm meeting kenny too. i think. YAY. more entertainment. it doesnt come cheap these days....
bright lights and green colours.
PS i was listening to the radio yesterday and guess what. this "BRIGHT" guy in the US has made up march 14th to be 'steak and blowjob day'... now really... and apparently its become a big thing... *cough* i thought march 14th was white day but OKAY.
wasting your time at 7:27 pm
Friday, March 03, 2006
the lizard man stole my pants.
9:38 pm
i just realised i hadn't looked at penny arcade in a while. junkslut.
oo read white ninja too. they've reformatted their page. kiwi deputy!!!
love, the pantstealer. - in a fire!
wasting your time at 9:38 pm
first week of uni. completed.
7:02 pm
BAH. where you..zzzzzzz.
i'm so sleepy. thanks ivan for calling me at 12 20 am in the morning.
really i dooo like your phone calls. but i like my sleep. wait... i LOVE my sleep. and i need it.
like you can sleep at work. you have the option. i dont.
but hey you know i DO love your phone calls.
and you may think we're all tools. but you love me. ie. youre a tool LUUUURVVEEERRRR.
and you love the rest of em. so youre even more of a tool lurver.
hahaah coryyyyy. love you heeeeaaapssss. too bad your car broke down.
well it is practically unroadworthy. and not like you know how to change a car tyre. i think.
well at least youre going out tonight. i'm too tired.
another 8 o clock start today. totally unreasonable.
i slept funny which made my back kinda sore today. i tried giving myself a massage. it KILLED.
it really woke me up in chem 121.
ee yay everybody hate chris starts on sunday. ^_^ and futurama!! bahaha bender... fry...
well 4 hour break was boring. did nothing.
in practical the lady showing us the stuff's names tarn. i swear. i'm gonna be her when i grow up. she talks EXACTLY like me. its scary. sigh. but she's cool.
lab equip is quite cool. there's so much small stuff. like a beaker smaller than half your finger. and one ml pipette. that ended WAY early so we went to chill out at the library again. i had coffee craves but made a few willo friends! i think :S hopefully they think i'm nice. alfred, david, eddy errr... yeah they seem cool. so hopefully we keep seeing em. talked the most to alfred and seems like collin's doing pharmacy too. so many willo peeps.
chem 121. IUPAC. chocos=incentive. thanks jas for giving me a ride home. hopefully your mum didnt seem too concerned about us driving illegally XD. its only in a back sts for like 10 min. =)
but seriously tired... yay its the weekend. gotta love it.
gonna be hot for the next week. definitely still summertime- take me back to the sweet times, hot nights, everything is gonna be alright in the summertime baby in the summertime that is where i'll be.... go bondi rescue. that songs been in my head for the past 3 days. love thirsty merc. but like whoa new years. 45 degrees. 55 degrees on the sand. OUCH.
oh and bryan's leaving us on sunday *tear* WILL MISS YOU HEAPS B. good seeing you today. my heart goes out to youuuu. it's bigger than that huge pink heart on your shirt today. mass hugs! hopefully i'll find a way to see you off. at the airport. =( youre the best.
meow. MEOW. MEOW MEOW. =)
wasting your time at 7:02 pm
Thursday, March 02, 2006
6:56 pm
yoooooooo. where you at.
just realised my title's in the html bar. my goodness. that's where it is. but i want it on my actual blog. help.?
bah my dad's been getting on my ass. lotsa homework already[latin, calculations, dosage forms]. and along with my crap ass timetable it's just.....great. and my dad's practically banned me from msn. BAH so so so so stupid.
i had a prac today and missed ASIA bbq. boo. i actually wanted to go. but ppl said it was pretty bleh.
but we looked at bacteria today. how fun. and cell stuff.
i'm actually good at focusing on a microscope. considering i broke a slide last time. i'd say that's a big improvement.
oo ivan if you read this you're so cute when youre small ^_^ all those pics you posted. i was really pale when i was small.
lol at this. silly cory.
antichikclubTamaClem™ - [its S'OK] - [PS-06 Security] says:
lol dude ur not a fag
antichikclub::{?¡-wéE~?eë-ƒ®üi+}:: poo says:
antichikclub::{?¡-wéE~?eë-ƒ®üi+}:: poo says:
antichikclub::{?¡-wéE~?eë-ƒ®üi+}:: poo says:
antichikclub::{?¡-wéE~?eë-ƒ®üi+}:: poo says:
thanks clement ^_^. bahahahahahaha. at least he drives me places ^_^
youre meant to talk to hottie [andrea] silly.
i'll post later tmw. i think i've forgotten some stuff.
i've made a few friends. yay. go me. and my verbal diarrhoea.
wasting your time at 6:56 pm